What: High school students handing out care packages those living in poverty
When: Wednesday, December 3, about 10 to 11 a.m.
Where: Alley off Hastings and Main (behind Carnegie Centre)
Who: Killarney Secondary’s Student Street Squad
Why: To spread good cheer and raise awareness of public health issues within our city
FOR the 12th year in a row, community-minded youth from Killarney Secondary’s Student Street Squad program will be handing out 500 care packages and lunches to those living in poverty on Vancouver’s Downtown East Side the morning of Wednesday, December 3.
Killarney Secondary’s Student Street Squad is made up of about 80 students in grades 8-12 who take on projects to benefit the community as well as the school. Every year, Student Street Squad fundraises within the community to put together these care packages for residents of the Downtown East Side who may not be able to afford these daily necessities.
Student Street Squad members are always actively involved in giving back to the community. Students have again created care packages filled with toiletries and dental hygiene products to distribute. Students will also be handing out scarves, gloves, toques, jackets, and lunches. This annual project would not be successful without the help of our members, school, and community. Their projects are on-going and they continue to adjust their project to the needs of the individuals in this area. In fact, their projects have sparked the start of many monthly projects by others whom have been inspired. Last May they introduced their first ever Spring Making A Difference Project that aimed to keep people living on the DTES dry and warm by distributing warm clothing items, raincoats, rain boots, tarps, and umbrellas.