BC Liberals lag behind NDP

POOR BC Liberals!

If they had expected Kevin Falcon’s leadership to engender enthusiasm, they must be sorely disappointed by the results of the latest Leger survey.

Indeed, even after all that controversy about the Royal B.C. museum replacement and the ongoing attacks on the NDP government regarding health care issues, British Columbians still prefer the NDP.

From July 8 to 10 and July 22 to 24, Leger, on behalf of Postmedia, surveyed British Columbians and found that the NDP still maintains a significant lead over the B.C. Liberals and the parties seem to be retaining their voters.

Forty-four per cent of British Columbians say they’ll vote for the NDP in the next election as compared to 28 per cent who say they’ll vote for the BC Liberals. The BC Green Party and the BC Conservative Party each garner 12 per cent support.

As many as 34% of British Columbians think the province is doing better now compared to before John Horgan became premier, 27% think it is about the same and 27% think it is doing worse.

British Columbians think John Horgan made the most impact in terms of jobs and the economy and healthcare.
In the B.C. NDP leadership race, most British Columbians don’t know who they would like to replace Horgan, but among those that do, the preference is David Eby.
The three most important issues that British Columbians want the next premier to focus on are health care, cost of living and the cost of housing. These priorities have shifted away from pandemic-related issues since the 2020 election.


Two web surveys were conducted among 1,000 British Columbians, 18 years of age or older, via Leger’s online panel, LEO. No margin of error can be associated with a non-probability sample. If the data were collected through a probability sample, the margin of error for each survey would be ±3.1%, 19 times out of 20. Using data from the 2021 census, the results were weighted according to age, gender and region in order to ensure a representative sample of the population.