FAILING to yield the right-of-way – whether it be to other drivers, motorcyclists, pedestrians or cyclists – is a leading cause of crashes that result in injuries or deaths in B.C.
That’s why ICBC, police and the B.C. government are launching a month-long campaign focusing on failure to yield and other high-risk driving behaviours and the resulting danger to pedestrians.
Every year, 1,300 pedestrians are injured or killed in crashes at intersections in B.C. Making a safe left-hand turn at an intersection can be difficult. ICBC, police and the B.C. government are asking drivers to not let pedestrians be in their blind spot and to always be ready to yield to other vehicles, pedestrians or cyclists.
High-risk driving, which includes failing to yield, speeding, following too closely and ignoring a traffic control device, contributes to almost half (43 per cent) of all police-reported crashes that result in injuries or fatalities each year in B.C.
Police across B.C. will be stepping up enforcement in May targeting all high-risk driving behaviours. Speed Watch volunteers will also be set up in B.C. communities to encourage drivers to slow down. The campaign also includes new radio and interactive digital advertising and social media.
Learn interesting facts in ICBC’s new infographic, get tips and view the digital advertising on icbc.com.
“Drivers must remember they share the road – there are other road users to watch out for, like young children and cyclists who are especially vulnerable to drivers’ high risk behaviours,” said Suzanne Anton, Attorney General and Minister of Justice. “Left hand turns present enormous risks for crashes between vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists because visibility and sight lines can be compromised in these situations.”
“As the weather improves, we’ll see more motorcycles, cyclists and pedestrians using our roadways,” said Todd Stone, Minister of Transportation and Infrastructure. “When driving, remember to scan intersections and look carefully for other road users, especially when you’re turning left.”
“Failing to yield, speeding, and unsafe lane changes are high-risk driving behaviours that put everyone at risk,” said Chief Officer Neil Dubord, Chair of the B.C. Association of Chiefs of Police Traffic Safety Committee. “Drivers have to be responsible for their actions, pay attention and focus on driving. Police will be out in full-force across the province this month looking for drivers who feel the rules don’t apply to them.”
“No one wants their actions to cause a tragedy so we’re asking drivers to always be ready to yield the right-of-way to other road users,” said Lindsay Matthews, ICBC’s Director Responsible for Road Safety. “When turning left, don’t let pedestrians be in your blind spot.”
Regional statistics:
* Every year in the Lower Mainland, 3,600 crashes occur that result in injuries or deaths as a result of high-risk driving.
* Every year on Vancouver Island, 1,100 crashes occur that result in injuries or deaths as a result of high-risk driving.
* Every year in the Southern Interior, 1,300 crashes occur that result in injuries or deaths as a result of high-risk driving.
* Every year in North Central B.C., 550 crashes occur that result in injuries or deaths as a result of high-risk driving.