Gurdwara Raagi Gurnam Singh, who had gone missing from a Gurdwara in Abbostford last month, has been located in Calgaray. This information was given to The Voice by Cst Ian MacDonald, Public Information Officer of the Abbotsfoprd Police Department.
According to MacDonald, On Thursday morning a detective from the Major Crime Unit of the Abbotsford Police Department made contact with Gurnam SINGH. It was determined that SINGH was staying with an acquaintance in Calgary. The APD wishes to thank all of those who assisted with this missing person investigation.
Earlier, it had been reported that Raagi Gurnam Singh who had been at Abbotsford’s Gurdwara Kalgidhar Darbar, which had sponsored his visit to Canada, has gone missing and Police were hoping people in the local community can help them find him.
Singh, 30, left a temple on Blueridge Drive to go for a walk and disappeared.
Singh had been in Canada working at a temple on Blueridge Drive since December last year. His work sponsor reported him missing when he failed to take a scheduled flight to return to India.
Singh does not have a car or a driver’s licence. According to his sponsor, Singh kept to himself and does not have family or friends in Canada.