BC Liberal Leader Wilkinson’s message on Sikh Heritage Month

B.C. Liberal Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition, Andrew Wilkinson, on Wednesday said in a message on Sikh Heritage Month:

“Every April we celebrate Sikh Heritage month here in British Columbia and recognize the vital contributions that Sikh culture and Sikh individuals have made to our province.

“In times of crisis, like what we are facing with the COVID-19 pandemic, British Columbia’s Sikh community has always stepped up. Many temples and Sikh organizations are contributing to community supports during this coronavirus outbreak such as by providing free meals to young families, domestic abuse survivors, seniors living alone, truck drivers, and those laid off due to the pandemic.

“Sikh Heritage Month has been an annual celebration of the important role Sikh Canadians have played in our province’s past, present, and future.

“On behalf of the entire BC Liberal Caucus, I want to thank the Sikh community for their selfless service in these tough times and encourage everyone to read up on how Sikhs have contributed to British Columbia’s culture, economy, and society this Sikh Heritage Month.”

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