BC United MLA Elenore Sturko defects to B.C. Conservative Party

Elenore Sturko Photo submitted

SURREY South MLA Elenore Sturko has left BC United and joined the B.C. Conservative Party claiming that she is defecting to “rebuild the coalition that’s needed to defeat the NDP.”  Sturko, a former RCMP spokesperson and military veteran, was elected in a by-election in 2022, winning 52 percent of the vote.

She will be running in Surrey-Cloverdale where the B.C. Conservative candidate Jody Toor has been moved to Langley Willowbrook.

Brent Chapman, who is the B.C. Conservative candidate for Surrey South, is the husband of Conservative MP Kerry-Lynne D. Findlay (South Surrey—White Rock). Quite obviously Sturko knew she had no chance of winning from that riding as a BC United candidate and  so decided to defect.

BC United Leader Kevin Falcon told the media Styrko’s defection is a “personal betrayal” and that he is shocked and disappointed.

Just last Friday (May 31), another BC United MLA, Lorne Doerkson (Cariboo-Chilcoti) had defected to the B.C. Conservative Party and there were rumours that Sturko would be the next to join the Conservatives.

B.C. Conservative Leader John Rustad said Sturko will be “a terrific addition to the team, and a practical example of the grassroots coalition that is growing across the province.”

“Elenore’s decision to join us reinforces that we are building a big tent, with room for everyone who wants to defeat the NDP and elect a common sense government that respects taxpayers hard earned wages,” said Rustad. “In the legislature, Elenore has distinguished herself by holding the government to account for its failed decriminalization of deadly drugs that has hurt every neighbourhood and community in our province.  On these issues, and so many others, David Eby and the NDP have failed British Columbians. They have made our province unaffordable, rationed healthcare, raised taxes, and made it impossible to do business or get anything done in British Columbia. They have weakened our economy, and resorted to record-breaking deficits to paper over their failure to make life better for British Columbians.”

Sturko said she is committed to defeating the NDP and rebuilding BC’s economy, because “a strong economy makes everything possible.”

“I felt an obligation to put everyday, hardworking British Columbians first, the same way WAC Bennett, Bill Bennett, Gordon Campbell, and Christy Clark did,” said Sturko. “In BC the big tent coalition wins elections, and has a record of delivering for British Columbians. I want to help John Rustad build that grassroots coalition of conservatives, liberals, and independents into a winning team that can repair the damage caused by the NDP and their mismanagement and incompetence. British Columbians deserve more, and I believe the BC Conservatives can deliver that common sense change that everyday, hardworking people are looking for.”



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