ALL children and youth in British Columbia are invited to participate in the Democracy and Me art contest by creating and submitting original art to celebrate the importance of democracy.
The contest is sponsored by the Office of the Lieutenant Governor and the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia and encourages young people in British Columbia to reflect on the importance of community connections, civic engagement and the rights and responsibilities of citizenship and democracy through the creation of visual art.
“This art contest provides a unique opportunity to celebrate the vibrancy of our democracy and further strengthen connections between our public institutions and young people in this province, while encouraging youth to express themselves through visual arts,” said B.C. Lieutenant Governor Janet Austin.
The contest is open to all kindergarten to Grade 12 students who live in British Columbia. Entries will be accepted in three categories: kindergarten to Grade 4; Grades 5 to 8 and Grades 9 to 12. Each group is provided with a unique contest question to help guide creative entries.
“I really look forward to reviewing the creative talent of young British Columbians and encourage youth to participate in this opportunity to discover and reflect on the importance of their participation in community and democracy,” said Raj Chouhan, Speaker of the B.C. Legislative Assembly. “I am always impressed with the imagination of our youngest citizens.”
One winner will be selected from each of the three grade categories. Winning entries will be displayed in the Parliament Buildings and each winner will receive a trip to Victoria, which will include a behind-the-scenes tour of the Parliament Buildings, and an opportunity to meet with the Lieutenant Governor and Speaker.
The submission deadline is January 31, 2024.
All contest details, including how to participate and information for teachers, are available on the contest website: