THE Auditor General for Local Government (AGLG) has released a performance audit report on management of drinking water supply infrastructure in the Township of Langley.
“As providing safe drinking water is important to every community, and every community manages capital projects, I believe that this report may be of value to many local governments across the province,” said Gordon Ruth, Auditor General for Local Government, on Tuesday.
A previous audit report, released in August 2019, focused on whether the township had an adequate governance structure to support the provision of clean and safe drinking water, manage its supplies to meet current and future demand, and ensure the safety and reliability of its drinking water.
This second report looks at how the township manages its assets and the construction and implementation of its drinking water supply infrastructure. Specifically, the audit considered the East Langley Water Supply project.
“As well as noting the township’s successes, our report identifies areas where they have opportunity to improve. It’s our hope that this will be helpful as they continue to enhance their project management processes,” Ruth said.
The performance audit report provides a total of 16 recommendations, mostly relating to the development of capital project management policies and procedures.
This is the AGLG’s fourth report on drinking water management – audit reports on the Regional District of Okanagan-Similkameen, the City of Kelowna, and the first part of the Township of Langley audit have also been released.
The latest Township of Langley performance audit report is available on the AGLG’s website: