B.C. Green Party Leader Sonia Furstenau on Monday in response to the speech from the throne said: “What B.C. needs right now is courageous leadership, not just minor tweaks to the status quo.”
She said: “After a year of sacrifice and loss, what British Columbians need in this moment is a shared sense of common purpose, not only for navigating this third wave of COVID-19, but for a more just and equitable future.
“We need to recognize the responsibility this government has to address the multiple overlapping crises we face in addition to COVID-19, from the drug toxicity crisis to the existential threat of climate change.”
Furstenau said: “This throne speech doesn’t outline a plan to address the gaping holes in mental health care or to tackle the housing affordability crisis in any meaningful way. I was profoundly disappointed to see no mention of a green recovery. Our recovery from COVID-19 provides a singular opportunity to change our economy for the better and we cannot afford to let it pass us by.
“We owe it to young British Columbians and to future generations to seize this moment and to not let all of the sacrifices of this past year amount to nothing. People want to know what’s possible: they want something to inspire them, something to rally their efforts behind, a shared vision of a future that is healthier, more equitable and more hopeful.
“Now more than ever, we need a government that will step up to meet the urgency of this moment with a clear vision and a bold plan for what is possible.”