BC United MLA Renee Merrifield slams John Rustad for “unethical behaviour”

BC United MLA Renee Merrifield on Friday said that she was “deeply disturbed to see the unethical behaviour recently reported regarding the actions of John Rustad, Leader of the BC Conservative Party.”

She added: “The recent revelations regarding his attempt to offer $20,000 in financial incentives to a BC Conservative candidate, Alexandra Wright, to switch ridings are profoundly troubling and raise serious concerns about the integrity of his leadership.

“As public servants, we must serve the people of British Columbia with transparency, fairness, and respect for democratic processes.

“Mr. Rustad’s actions, as reported by the Vancouver Sun, undermine these principles. Attempting to manipulate candidate placements with monetary offers not only casts doubt on his party’s internal operations but also erodes public trust in the political process as a whole.”

Merrifield added that British Columbians “deserve leaders committed to serving their communities with integrity and honour, not those who engage in questionable practices that compromise the values we hold dear.”