VANCOUVER’S Khalsa Diwan Society wears a spiffy look with the completion of its fire damage restoration, renovation and building extension at Ross Street Gurdwara.
The Society’s President Malkiat Singh Dhami, former president Jarnail Singh Bhandal and other office-bearers held an open house on Tuesday to unveil its new look.
The Grand Opening will take place on Sunday, November 18 with Bhog Sri Akhand Path Sahib at 9:30 a.m. followed by kirtan from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. and speeches at 11 a.m. Langar will be served all day.
The Society, with over 10,000 members, is a pioneer Sikh society that was formed on July 22, 1906. It has played a major role in the social and economic development of B.C. for over a century. It is a volunteer driven organization that provides religious and social services to the residents of Greater Vancouver.