OPINION: Tackling systemic racism in public services


NDP MLA for Richmond-Queensborough


EVERYONE deserves to feel welcome and safe everywhere in B.C., and to have equal access to public services. But we know that this is not always the case for Black, Indigenous and People of Colour. That’s why our government is taking action to address racism at every level – and we need your help.

We are asking people to complete the new B.C. Demographic Survey, which will help us identify systemic racism that exists and the services that may not be equally accessible to everyone.

It’s important to know that this survey is completely voluntary – but we do hope as many people as possible will take the time to participate, to help us make our province better.

It’s also important for people to know their information will be treated very carefully. The data we collect will be stored in secure servers, and your individual responses will be separated from your name and any other identifying details – as is required by law.

The survey will ask you some questions about how you identify, your background, and other demographic information like income and family structure.

So, why should you take the time to do this survey? Many of the programs and services we have in B.C. were designed generations ago, without the benefit of what we know now about inclusivity and equitable access.

In order to get an accurate picture of what is and isn’t working, we need people of all backgrounds and identities to participate in this survey – even if you aren’t personally affected by racism.

You can take the BC Demographic Survey until September 29 at antiracism.gov.bc.ca/bcdemographicsurvey

And while you’re at it, you can also share your views on how we should tackle racism in B.C., by taking part in the Anti-Racism Legislation Questionnaire.

We are working on new legislation that will hold government accountable for addressing systemic racism within its programs and services. This questionnaire will help us determine how we can better design and deliver supports for those who have been negatively impacted by systemic racism in the past.

This short questionnaire is open until September 30 and available at https://engage.gov.bc.ca/antiracism/

Both the survey and questionnaire are available online in 15 different languages.

This survey and questionnaire are some of our latest steps in tackling racism, but we’re also taking action from many other angles. Our government has reinstated the B.C. human rights commissioner, and we’re implementing the K-12 Anti-Racism Action Plan in schools. To help more people learn about the unique cultures that make up our province, we’re investing more than $48.5 million in Canada’s first Chinese Canadian Museum, and establishing B.C.’s first Filipino Cultural Centre and a first-of-its kind South Asian Museum.

We know there is more work to do, and this just the beginning for our plan to dismantle racism and address discrimination in B.C.