OPINION: B.C. NDP’s commitment to healthcare is building a healthier future


NDP MLA for Richmond Queensborough





OUR New Democrat government under David Eby has taken action to ensure British Columbians get access to quality healthcare services when they need it.

Our government has recognized the critical importance of bolstering healthcare infrastructure, expanding cancer-care facilities and attracting more medical professionals to B.C. In doing so, we aim to ensure that every person can access timely and quality healthcare, whether it’s routine check-ups or critical treatments.

The cornerstone of the NDP’s healthcare strategy lies in enhancing accessibility to primary care, bolstering cancer care provisions, and strengthening preventive measures. By focusing on these key areas, our government aims to alleviate the strain on the healthcare system and provide better support for seniors to age gracefully within their homes. Ambitious projects such as the construction of a new acute care tower at Surrey Memorial Hospital and a second hospital in Cloverdale underscore the government’s commitment to expanding healthcare facilities and services across the province.

However, our healthcare agenda isn’t just about erecting new buildings or hiring more staff; it’s about innovative solutions to address systemic challenges. By empowering pharmacists to treat minor illnesses and distribute contraception, we’re easing the burden on doctors and clinics while ensuring that basic healthcare needs are met efficiently.

Furthermore, our proactive stance on nurse-to-patient ratios and medical education highlights a comprehensive approach towards addressing healthcare workforce challenges. By welcoming hundreds of family doctors and thousands of nurses, coupled with initiatives to train more physicians, we’re laying the groundwork for a sustainable healthcare workforce for years to come.

In stark contrast, the spectre of Kevin Falcon’s history in government casts doubts on the healthcare future of the province should he return to power. His track record of slashing healthcare budgets and selling off designated lands for essential healthcare facilities during his tenure raises legitimate concerns about his commitment to public health. There’s little doubt Falcon’s BCUP would damage healthcare with cuts and privatization. He did it before and he’ll do it again.

As our we continue to roll out initiatives to strengthen healthcare, recent announcements such as the CAR-T program for cancer patients and investments in mental health and senior care underscore their unwavering dedication. These actions exemplify a government that not only talks the talk but walks the walk when it comes to prioritizing the health and well-being of its citizens.

In the face of daunting challenges and competing visions for the future of healthcare in British Columbia, the choice is clear. David Eby and the B.C. NDP offer a vision of a healthier, more resilient healthcare system, while the alternatives pose significant risks to the well-being of all British Columbians. The time to invest in healthcare is now, and our government is leading the charge towards a brighter and healthier future for all.