VANCOUVER residents, non-profit organizations, businesses and institutions are invited to share their perspective through an online survey on whether the City should ban plastic bags and charge fees on paper and reusable bags like the City of Victoria does.
Take the online survey
The online survey is available in English and Simplified Chinese at and will run from July 8-30.
Input received through the survey will inform a plastic and paper shopping bag by-law that staff will present to Council in November 2019.
Residents and businesses are encouraged to sign-up for updates and learn more at
Plastic and paper shopping bag waste snapshot
· Around two million plastic shopping bags are disposed in the garbage in Vancouver each week (63 per cent are reused as garbage bags).
· Plastic bags make up three per cent of shoreline litter and two per cent of large litter items in Vancouver streets, parks, and public spaces.
· Paper bags make up one per cent of large street litter items.
· Plastic bags harm marine life and are made using non-renewable fossil fuels.
· It can take anywhere from 10 to 10,000 years for a plastic shopping bag to decompose, and even then it only breaks down into small plastic pieces, causing microplastic pollution.
· Paper bags actually cause more harmful greenhouse gas emissions over their lifetime than plastic bags because of manufacturing processes and they require more fuel because they are heavier to transport.
The Single-Use Item Reduction Strategy, approved by Council on June 5, 2018, was the result of extensive consultation with over 8,000 residents and businesses to create a made-in-Vancouver approach to reduce the impact of:
· Plastic and paper shopping bags
· Polystyrene foam cups and foam take-out containers
· Disposable hot and cold drink cups
· Take-out food containers
· Plastic straws
· Single-use utensils
As much as possible, the strategy is designed to support convenient, affordable and accessible alternatives, shift societal norms, support lasting behaviour change, and value all members of Vancouver’s diverse communities. The strategy strives to meet the needs of everyone, regardless of physical ability.
In April 2019, Vancouver City Council directed staff to explore how public opinion has changed since the City of Victoria introduced its Checkout Bag Regulation by-law and then report back on adopting a ban on plastic bags similar to Victoria’s. Victoria’s Checkout Bag Regulation by-law, which bans plastic shopping bags, and requires fees on paper and reusable shopping bags, has been in effect since July 2018.