EVERY April, millions of Sikhs world-wide celebrate Vaisakhi Day, a day that marks the New Year. Considered one of the most important festivals in the Sikh calendar, parades celebrating the event are held in Sikh communities around the world.
The largest Vaisakhi Parade in the world occurs in Surrey, where approximately 500,000 people attend the annual Surrey Khalsa Day Vaisakhi Parade organized by Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar. (www.surreyvaisakhiparade.com)
This year the parade takes place on Saturday, April 20.
The City of Surrey has announced that the parade will begin at approximately 9:30 a.m. at Gurdwara Sahib Dasmesh Darbar, and will conclude there at approximately 4 p.m. To facilitate parade activities, area residents and businesses should be aware of:
* Road closures
* Traffic disruptions
* Restrictions to access
* Temporary parking restrictions
Traffic controls will start at 7:30 a.m. and last until approximately 5 p.m.
Access to 128 Street and road sections along the parade route will be impacted most significantly. Increased delays may be expected for travel through and within the area between 72 Avenue and 88 Avenue, and Scott Road to King George Boulevard. Plan your routes accordingly.
Residents do not need a permit to pass through the closed area. In order to streamline the process and eliminate extra work for residents, residents in the affected area will need to show their BC Driver’s License and the officials at the checkpoints (at intersections) will let them through as long as the address on their BC Driver’s License is in the affected area.
Update your address with ICBC if you have recently moved.
Business access letters and parking passes are only available to businesses affected by the parade route. Apply at RCMP’s District 3 Office at 7235 137 Street Surrey, Monday-Friday (not including stat holidays) from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
To request a business parking pass you must provide the following:
* business name and location
* proof of employment (like a badge, employee ID, or letter of employment)
If you plan to have a performance stage or provide food service, these activities must be on your property. The use of City road and/or sidewalks is not permitted. The property owner must accept all responsibility and liability for the stage and food services operation, ensuring that the activities are operated in a safe manner, and have all necessary permits and approvals.
Review the following links for detailed permit information:
- Fraser Health Temporary Food Premises Application
- Outdoor Seating Areas
- Temporary Structures Permit for Stages and Tents
- Fire Prevention and Safety
- Fraser Health Outdoor Food Preparation Requirements
The Surrey Vaisakhi Parade is a No Drone Zone. Transport Canada safety rules prohibit flying drones close to people, buildings, and areas where aircraft take off and land (airport, heliports, aerodromes). If you are a recreational drone operator and do not follow the rules, you could face fines of up to $3,000. All non-recreational drone operators need permission to fly.