DO you want to help shape the future of policing in Surrey?
Surrey RCMP are updating their strategic framework and seeking the public‘s input to better understand what the community identifies as local policing priorities over the next five years. The detachment will also be undertaking a thorough review and analysis of recent crime trends in crime and public safety to help inform their 2018-2022 Strategic Framework.
Over the next six months, the Surrey RCMP will be inviting residents and stakeholders to share their thoughts and ideas through a number of mechanisms including an online survey, comments cards, idea gallery boards, and dialogue workshop sessions.
The online survey is now open to the public. Those who complete the survey will be eligible for a chance to win one of three special prizes (contest closes June 30):
- Lunch with the Officer in Charge of Surrey RCMP, Assistant Commissioner Dwayne McDonald
- iPad Air 2 WiFi 64 GB
- $50 Keg Gift Card
“We want to continue to ensure that we provide quality police services to our residents over the next five years and beyond,” says Dwayne McDonald. “We encourage everyone to provide their input to help us build a policing strategy that reflects the key issues and diverse concerns of our community.”
“The City of Surrey is committed to a long-term approach to public safety and ensuring everyone has an opportunity to provide their feedback on policing services in our city,” says Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner. “The Surrey RCMP is a key partner in our Public Safety Strategy and this planning process is an opportunity for our residents to have their say on the future of policing in our city.”
Surrey RCMP will be advising about future opportunities to provide your feedback through their public safety events and communications channels. Complete their online survey and visit their website, Twitter and Facebook accounts, and electronic newsletters for more information.
Start opening up dispensaries like in Vancouver and get ahead of the curve. The longer Surrey waits the longer the gangsters will have a market.