NIKI Sharma, Attorney General, in a statement on Access to Justice Week, from February 3-7, said the Province is committed to transforming the justice system by enhancing access to services for British Columbians.
Sharma said: “Access to Justice Week is an opportunity to reflect on how B.C.’s justice system can best work for British Columbians. This year’s theme is: What does the future of access to justice look like?
“Throughout the province, we are taking action to modernize our justice system through enhancements to technology that will increase access to justice and convenience for British Columbians. It means breaking down barriers by introducing technology that brings legal services to remote and under-served communities and simplifying processes to reduce complexity for people involved with the justice system. Online platforms, virtual hearings and other innovative tools are making the justice system more accessible, saving time and money.
“People are at the centre of the changes we are making. For instance, the Province launched new services to help people whose intimate images have been shared without their consent. The Intimate Images Protection Service offers emotional support and helps with applications to the Civil Resolution Tribunal for “take-down” orders. Additionally, these services provide self-help tools, legal information and connections to resources.
“We have significantly expanded the eligibility criteria for family legal-aid services and have opened two new family law clinics in Victoria and Surrey for people experiencing family violence. Families will also benefit from early access to information and referrals in Provincial Court. We are supporting the early resolution process by adding eight more court registries by November 2025.
“The Ministry of Attorney General and the BC First Nations Justice Council will soon open six new Indigenous Justice Centres. Nine centres opened last year, for a total of 15, and a virtual centre is also available provincewide. These centres address systemic barriers faced by Indigenous people by offering culturally appropriate supports, legal advice and representation to Indigenous people.
“Everyone deserves to feel safe in their communities, and confident that justice is being served. We will ensure strong and safe communities for everyone throughout the province by aggressively pushing the federal government for continuing legal reform and co-operation with the Province that will ensure violent and prolific offenders remain in custody after arrest.
“The Province is committed to transforming the justice system by enhancing access to services for British Columbians. We have more work to do, and we are committed to doing it, because the work we do today will shape a better tomorrow. I am proud of the strides we’ve made, and I am committed to the modernization of our legal system to increase access to justice in B.C.”