Truckers say federal government fails to address core concerns in port dispute

truckAFTER meeting with representatives of the port and the provincial and federal governments, container truck drivers say that basic concerns about minimum rates for all drivers have still not been addressed.

“Truckers understand the impact of the work stoppage, and we’re eager to find a speedy resolution,” said Paul Johal, President of Unifor-Vancouver Container Truckers’ Association (VCTA). “Container truck drivers deserve more than minimum wage for waiting time.”

After more than 18 months of failed negotiations, Unifor-VCTA members voted 100% in favour of a strike on March 1. Truck drivers have been raising concerns that long line-ups and wait times at the Port of Vancouver are costing truck drivers money and that rates agreed to in previous contract negotiations were not being honoured due to under-cutting.

“We’re prepared to negotiate around the clock to end this dispute,” said Gavin McGarrigle, Unifor’s BC Area Director. “We’ve been trying for eight years to resolve these issues, and a negotiated agreement is the only sustainable solution. After that length of time, the port’s ‘trust us’ approach simply isn’t enough for our members.”


  1. I am from vancouver and i supports the Truckers at the port of vancouver.These truckers deserve the support of all people in canada. The latest offer of $25 for waiting time at the port of vancouver is an insult to all the truckers.It should be condemned by everyone.
    The gov. and the port authority got contempt for these truckers.The gov. and the employers don’t want to negotiate in good faith.They are the enemy of the working class.This shows that Labour and Capital got nothing in common.Workers always had to fight for their rights.
    These truckers are considered commodities by the gov. and the employer to be bought and sold.These truckers are been bought at a low price and the working conditions are very bad considering the long waiting time at the port.The clock is been turned back to 19th century europe when workers were no better than slaves.I hope all unions in canada supports these truckers.

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