ABBOTSFORD-AREA beekeepers and residents are being asked to report if they see any Asian giant hornets (Vespa mandarinia), following the discovery of one hornet in the 7000-block of Bradner Road on Monday, November 2.
Though Asian giant hornet activity declines rapidly as colder temperatures arrive, people are encouraged to report possible findings. This can be done through calling the Invasive Species Council of BC at 1 888 933-3722, via the council’s Report Invasives mobile phone app or at:

Single hornets were found in White Rock and Langley in 2019, and on 0 Avenue in Langley in 2020. A nest has never been found in the Fraser Valley or Lower Mainland.
Survey efforts in the Fraser Valley in 2020 have focused on surveillance and trap monitoring along 0 Avenue with the support of local beekeepers and other organizations, as well as in Nanaimo, where a nest was located and destroyed in 2019.
In October, Washington State Department of Agriculture entomologists eradicated an Asian giant hornet nest following multiple findings of single hornets in the same area of Blaine.
A sting from an Asian giant hornet can be very painful and cause localized swelling, redness and itching due to the larger amount of venom injected. However, the hornets are not interested in humans, pets and large animals. Asian giant hornets hunt insects for food and will only attack people when their nest is disturbed.