THE new wireless Alert Ready system was tested in British Columbia on Wednesday, and across Canada earlier in the week. Although many British Columbians received the alerts, many others did not.
The intent of this test was to ensure that the expanded public alerting system works as intended. Testing provides an opportunity to address issues with the system before a real emergency.
Test results reveal that some compatible phones that were on LTE networks did not receive the alert. Alert Ready wireless testing undertaken this week in other provinces and territories showed similar results.
Officials from participating provinces and Pelmorex, the company that manages the Alert Ready system, will discuss technical issues and determine how best to address them. Next steps will include addressing outstanding issues before the official launch of the expanded alert ready system in June 2018. More information on the findings of the test will be available soon.
On April 6, the federal government, provinces and wireless carriers launched wireless alert capability through the national Alert Ready program. The system was expanded from TV and radio alerts to compatible wireless devices that are connected to LTE networks.