BC Greens propose fairer carbon tax; want to ensure polluters pay

AS climate change impacts every aspect of our lives, the BC Greens say they are focused on ensuring that British Columbians aren’t unfairly burdened by the costs of combating it.

“Climate change is expensive. It’s making everything cost more, from groceries to home insurance,” said BC Green Leader Sonia Furstenau. “But while the BC Greens are focused on real solutions to help both the environment and your wallet, the BC Conservatives don’t believe in the climate emergency and the BC NDP is happy to throw climate action under the bus by canceling the carbon tax and continuing to subsidize fossil fuels. Neither of them has a plan to pay for the spiraling cost of the climate crisis. That backwards thinking is what got us into this mess in the first place – we can’t afford to delay action any longer. The BC Greens plan will put more money back into peoples’ pockets and into building stronger, more resilient communities.”

The BC Greens say:

* We will increase the carbon rebate cheque. We promise that as the government collects more money from polluters through the carbon tax, British Columbians will see more money in their rebate cheque. This way, the system stays fair, and people are not left paying more than they should.

* We will make sure that polluters pay. People are frustrated that they’re footing the bill while the oil and gas industry gets off easy. The more industries pollute, the more they pay, which helps keep the burden off everyday families.

* Structured increases, no surprises. We will increase the price of carbon by $15 per year, moving from $80 per tonne in 2024 to $110 per tonne in 2026. But unlike before, this won’t be a burden on your household budget because the increased revenue will be returned to you.

* We will invest directly in communities. The money collected from industries will go directly into funding climate action projects in local communities, helping to make our province more resilient and sustainable.

* We will eliminate loopholes and end the use of compliance mechanisms and carbon offsets that let industry continue to pollute without paying the full cost. These loopholes, criticized by the Auditor-General as a form of greenwashing, will be closed to ensure a truly fair system.

“We know that people worry that the money from the carbon tax isn’t always used in a way that helps them directly,” said Furstenau. “If you don’t see the benefits, like getting a cheque in the mail or seeing improvements in your community, it can feel like you’re paying extra for nothing. The BC Greens are committed to making sure that doesn’t happen. We want to make sure you see real benefits, whether that’s through a bigger rebate cheque or by investing in projects that make your community better and more sustainable.”