TWO weeks ago, BC Liberal MLA Todd Stone admitted his former government’s rent increase policy needed to change. Today, he’s fighting that change even though he knows it’s needed to protect renters from rapidly increasing rents, say the NDP.
On September 13, Stone said, “That’s the largest two-year increase in rent that we’ve seen in almost 15 years in this province. A re-think on how those rents are calculated is certainly something that we think is in order.”
“Today, Stone and the BC Liberals came out against the government’s plan to limit rent increases to inflation,” the NDP noted in a statement on Wednesday.
“Even more awkward is that Andrew Wilkinson’s official housing spokesperson Sam Sullivan said as recently as a week ago that he wants to get rid of rent increase limits entirely, arguing “that imposing rent controls actually harms renters.”” (CBC On the Coast, September 17th)
In two weeks, the BC Liberals have held three different positions on the rent increase:
- Today Todd Stone’s (leave the limit alone)
- Two-Weeks-Ago Todd Stone’s (lower the limit)
- Sam Sullivan’s (get rid of limits entirely)
“The BC Liberals know that renters are being hit hard, but still support even higher rent hikes. They’re still not working for British Columbians,” the NDP noted.