THE City of Vancouver is asking everyone who lives, works or plays in Vancouver to provide feedback on the draft Vancouver Plan, a long-term strategy to support growth and change across the city.
The draft plan proposes a new way for the city to grow, spreading more housing options across all neighbourhoods instead of concentrating them in a few areas, or along major streets.
“This is a tremendous milestone for the City of Vancouver,” said Theresa O’Donnell, General Manager of Planning, Urban Design, and Sustainability, on Tuesday. “It is the first time in more than 20 years that we have undertaken a city-wide planning process and we are very excited to present the draft Vancouver Plan to the public.”
Vancouver is at the economic and cultural centre of a dynamic, prosperous and rapidly growing region that is expected to grow by about a million people over the next 30 years. The Vancouver Plan identifies where and how future growth and change will take place to 2050 and beyond.
“Over the last two years, we have embarked on a robust engagement process that has given us a clear picture that the public wants an actionable plan for a city that is inclusive, diverse, and works for everyone,” O’Donnell said. “Adding more housing options in all neighbourhoods across the city over the next 30 years will make our neighbourhoods, and city, far more equitable and affordable.”
Get involved
“Over the next few weeks we are asking for community input on the draft Vancouver Plan and we want to hear from everyone,” O’Donnell said. “This is a significant opportunity for residents to participate in the discussion and get involved in planning their future together. Let’s continue to build on what we love most about our city and tackle our challenges head on, together.”
The survey will be available in eight languages: English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Punjabi, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Spanish and French.
Feedback will be shared with City Council as part of their decision on the Vancouver Plan in June 2022.
Visit the Vancouver Plan Get Involved webpage to learn more about how you may participate and join the discussion.
About the plan
The draft Vancouver Plan establishes a vision for the future of Vancouver. It proposes policies that will help Vancouver become a more livable, affordable, and sustainable city with a strong economy where people and nature can thrive.
The draft Vancouver Plan will allow more people to live near rapid transit and neighbourhood shopping areas, in more complete and connected neighbourhoods close to amenities and services. This means that people can walk or roll to most of their daily needs, relying less on cars, improving health and reducing carbon emissions.
In addition to increasing housing choice, the draft Vancouver Plan proposes to:
- make the city more climate resilient by restoring ecosystems and protecting the green space and tree canopy;
- support businesses of all sizes by protecting industrial areas, and creating more opportunities for new shops, services, and home-based businesses throughout the city; and
- advance Reconciliation with the Musqueam, Squamish and Tsleil-Waututh Nations and urban Indigenous Peoples with continued consultation and collaboration in plan implementation.
Read a summary of the draft Vancouver Plan, or the full draft Plan PDF online.
The draft Vancouver Plan is the culmination of direction from City Council and two years of community engagement.
City staff combined public engagement findings with extensive urban planning research to identify three main types of areas to add growth opportunities throughout the city:
- More equitable housing and complete neighbourhoods
- An economy that works for all
- Climate protection and restored ecosystems
To ensure the Vancouver Plan is shaped by the voices and diversity of our population, the City is gathering input from everyone who lives, works, or plays in Vancouver, with attention to historically underrepresented groups.