FRASER Health has multiple drop-in clinics today (Tuesday, April 27). No appointment is required at these locations.
For people 40 years of age and older and live in COVID-19 high transmission neighborhoods.
Drop-in clinic:
* Surrey North (10025 King George Boulevard)
12:30 to 7 p.m.
In addition, people 30 years of age and older can now get AstraZeneca, and Fraser Health has drop-in clinics today to support this for people who live in the 10 high transmission neighborhoods in the Fraser Health region.
AstraZeneca drop-in clinics:
* Cloverdale Recreation Centre (6188 176 Street)
12:30 to 7 p.m.
* Poirier Forum Coquitlam (618 Poirier Street)
12:30 to 7 p.m.
Fraser Health is asking all eligible people to get vaccinated and not to delay.
Enter your postal code here to see if you are eligible:
Fraser Health says: “While it remains critical that we continue following public health orders and guidance, receiving COVID-19 vaccine helps put the COVID-19 pandemic behind us. It brings us one-step closer to reconnecting with the people we care about, returning to the activities we enjoy while protecting our health system and helping businesses in our community return to normal operations.”
For more information about COVID-19, visit