THE B.C. Green Party on Tuesday announced the team that will lead its discussions surrounding the terms of support for a potential minority B.C. NDP or B.C. Liberal government.
The negotiating team will include:
* Andrew Weaver, Leader, B.C. Green Party and chief negotiator
* Sonia Furstenau, Deputy Leader, B.C. Green Party
* Liz Lilly, Chief of Staff, B.C. Green Party caucus
* Norman Spector, consultant to the negotiating team
B.C. Green Party staff have begun exploratory conversations with both parties.
Weaver said: “I am delighted to announce our negotiating team. The B.C. Green Party ran a campaign grounded in strong principles and committed to evidence-based decision-making that puts people first. Our team holds this promise at its core as we proceed through these discussions.”
Furstenau said: “The voters of B.C. sent a clear message that they want politics to be done differently in this province. In order to protect the interests of the people of British Columbia it is essential that talks between the B.C. Greens and both of the other two parties proceed in good faith. We look forward to productive, respectful conversations with the other two parties in the days and weeks ahead.”
Lilly, who is also the B.C. Greens’ former Platform Director, added: “I look forward to productive discussions with the other parties on the common ground in our respective platforms. British Columbia faces a wide range of challenges and opportunities that are best addressed through dialogue and collaboration.”
Spector said: “British Columbians need effective government and Andrew Weaver is the key to providing it after this most unusual election. I’m delighted to be able to lend my knowledge and experience to the B.C. Greens at this critical time.”
This is promising! I’m impressed with the choice to include Mr. Spector on this team. Most politicians go looking for “like-minded” people to tell them what they want to hear, rather than seeking the counsel of open-minded advisors. I’m confident Mr. Spector will say what he thinks and will add his own flavour of wisdom to the team.