Request for qualifications to build new Yurkovich Family Pavilion at Richmond Hospital issued

The total project cost is $1.959 billion, an increase of $1.1 billion since the business plan developed in 2020-21


PEOPLE are one step closer to enhanced acute care with the issuing of a request for qualifications (RFQ) to build the new Yurkovich Family Pavilion at Richmond Hospital.

“Our government made a commitment to people in Richmond to ensure there are modern, high-quality health-care services in place now and into the future,” said Adrian Dix, Minister of Health, on Tuesday. “The latest request for qualifications for a new patient care tower at Richmond Hospital that is seismically safe is great news for the community, as it signifies the progression of the redevelopment project in the right direction, and it assures people that they are one step closer to having the necessary acute care facility for their rapidly growing city.”

Redeveloping Richmond Hospital will add 113 more hospital beds, increasing from 246 to 359 acute care beds. In addition, medical care spaces will increase throughout the hospital. For example, emergency department spares will increase from 62 to 86 and three operating rooms will be added, bringing the total to 11. Three CT scanners, an MRI and an interventional radiology room will be added to the hospital.

Through the alliance RFQ process, Vancouver Coastal Health will shortlist up to three qualified proponents, who will be invited to participate in the next step of the competitive selection process, the alliance development agreement (ADA) request for proposals (RFP) stage. It will determine which proponent will be chosen to lead design and construction.

The RFQ process is expected to be finalized by August 2024 followed by the ADA RFP process, which is expected to take approximately six months. Following this process, the team will embark on the alliance development phase, with the anticipated timeline being one year. Phase 2 construction is expected to start in early 2026 and complete in late 2029.

Demolition of the rotunda for Phase 1 is expected to begin this summer. The Park Centre is expected to be demolished starting in December 2024. Renovations to the Milan Ilich Pavilion for the new cancer care clinic were completed in October 2023.

The total project cost is $1.959 billion, an increase of $1.1 billion since the business plan developed in 2020-21, primarily due to construction cost escalation related to market conditions across all sectors. The cost will be shared by the provincial government ($1.889 billion), Vancouver Coastal Health ($30 million) and Richmond Hospital Foundation ($40 million).

Richmond Hospital opened in 1966 and has 246 beds that serve Richmond, South Vancouver and Delta, as well as people using Vancouver International Airport and BC Ferries facilities. The six-floor North Tower is home to surgical suites, medical imaging, a pharmacy, as well as administrative, academic and support services.


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