DELTA Council on Monday gave first, second, and third readings to the zoning amendment bylaws required by the Province to introduce regulations for the development of small-scale multi-unit housing (SSMUH) in areas of Delta currently zoned for single-detached and duplex housing.
To meet the Province’s deadline of June 30, staff have proposed amendments to Delta’s zoning bylaws that comply with legislative requirements for the number of units while maintaining many existing zoning parameters such as height, setbacks, and lot coverage.
“These changes will provide homeowners options for garden suites and coach houses that will add much needed housing in our community without requiring the time and expense of rezoning,” said Delta Mayor George V. Harvie. “With these new bylaws, Delta is meeting provincial requirements while taking an approach that will maintain the character of our neighbourhoods.”
The SSMUH bylaw changes are taking place in tandem with Delta’s Official Community Plan (OCP) update, which received third reading at the end of April. Information on the SSMUH guiding principles was included in a mailout sent to every residential property and business earlier this year and featured in open house discussions during the OCP engagement process.
A report recommending fourth reading and final adoption of the zoning bylaw amendments is expected to be presented to Council for consideration at the June 24 Regular Meeting. Following adoption, staff will undertake a community awareness campaign to help inform the public of the SSMUH changes.
Since Bill 44 prohibits local governments from holding public hearings for zoning-OCP amendments specifically initiated to comply with the Bill 44 requirements, the City is not permitted to hold a public hearing for these zoning bylaw amendments.
“The proposed amendments will help Delta bring new housing units into the community quicker than larger scale development applications,” said Doreann Mayhew, General Manager of Development. “We will actively review applications to determine additional changes needed to support viable SSMUH projects while evaluating impacts on adjacent residential properties. This approach allows us to assess impacts to neighbourhoods over time.”
Delta staff will stay updated on legislative changes and report back to Council in early 2025, bringing forward amendments as necessary.
The staff report with the proposed bylaws and relevant background information are available at:
In November 2023, the Province introduced several pieces of legislation to amend the Local Government Act aimed at increasing housing supply. Bill 44 requires local governments to permit increased density in areas traditionally designated for single detached homes. A subsequent Order in Council (Number 673) in December 2023 provided detailed requirements related to Bill 44. To implement the required legislative changes, Delta must update its Zoning Bylaws to permit a minimum of four dwelling units on any property exceeding 280 m² (3,014 ft²) currently zoned for single detached and duplex dwellings, with a minimum of six units permitted in areas within 400 m (1,132 ft) of frequent transit.