SURREY City Council on Monday will vote on the 72 Avenue Corridor project, which includes a road extension from 152 Street to Highway 15. This project marks the largest road investment in the city’s history, with work along the corridor estimated to cost more than $150 million. The east-west route will help to reduce travel times, relieve congestion, and improve connectivity between key neighborhoods.
“This monumental investment in our infrastructure reflects Surrey’s commitment to meeting the growing needs of our community,” said Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke. “The 72 Avenue Corridor improvements will not only ease congestion by enhancing east-west connectivity in Surrey, but will also balance the diverse needs of residents, farmers, and the environment. We are excited to move forward with this crucial project that will shape the future of our city.”
The City conducted extensive public engagement process for the 72 Avenue corridor, which included two community sessions and an online survey that engaged over 2,480 residents. The City is now sharing the preliminary design plans with Council. Feedback overwhelmingly supports the proposed improvements, with 74% of respondents satisfied or very satisfied with the design along this segment. Residents surveyed emphasized the need for an alternate east-west route to ease traffic on neighbouring streets and highways.
The project includes three segments:
- Improvements from 144 Street to 152 Street with construction anticipated from 2026-27, featuring two travel lanes in each direction, left-turn lanes at major intersections, and a multi-use pathway for cycling and walking on the north side, and a sidewalk on the south side
- An extension from 152 Street to Highway 15 with construction anticipated2025, featuring two travel lanes in each direction, improved ditches and wider road shoulders for farm vehicles to support both farming and transportation needs.
- Improvements from 188 Street to 196 Street with construction anticipated from Spring 2025-26, featuring two travel lanes in each direction, bike lanes, and sidewalks on both sides, and on-street parking in limited areas.
Funding will be sourced from Development Cost Charges and the Roads and Traffic Safety Levy, as well as potential external funding.
For more details about the project, visit