Surrey ready for winter with snow-fighting equipment, online ‘Snow Plow Tracker’

Mayor Brenda Locke (3rd from left) with councillors Mike Bose, Doug Elford and Rob Stutt. Photo: City of Surrey

THE City of Surrey’s snow-clearing crews are prepped and ready for winter with its salt supplies replenished, fleets winterized and snow response technologies activated. The online “Surrey Plow Tracker” returns this year that allows residents to keep tabs on where snow trucks are and to see which roads have been plowed. The tracker can be viewed here when plowing begins.

“Ensuring our 4,200 kilometres of roads are safe and passable this winter is a top priority for the City of Surrey,” said Surrey Mayor Brenda Locke on Thursday. “I commend our incredible snow removal crew for their dedication keeping our priority roads clear. We all have a role to play in helping keep our community safe this winter. Please do your part to clear snow and ice from sidewalks outside your home and prepare your vehicle for winter driving.”

The City’s comprehensive winter road preparedness strategy includes a diverse 77-unit fleet, ready to clear snow and de-ice over 4,200 kilometres of roadway. To keep roads clear when snow falls, the City utilizes state-of-the-art technologies, such as the Road Weather Information System, Traffic Camera Network, and Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) Turn-by-Turn Route Assistance, all functioning together to establish the strongest municipal snow fighting network in the province.

The City’s focus is keeping priority roads as clear as possible to support public safety, ensure emergency services can respond quickly, and to maintain public transit and vehicle travel on main arterial roads.  The City uses a three-level priority system:

  • Priority one roads include arterial roads, major collector roads, bus routes and hilly areas
  • Priority two roads include access routes to secondary roads which connect local traffic with arterial or major collector roads
  • Priority three routes include the remaining residential roads, which are addressed in a systematic manner, starting with identified problem areas, once all other roads are cleared

More information about the City of Surrey’s snow removal and ice control plan is available at