WITH Hallowe’en is just around the corner, Vancouver Fire Rescue Services is reminding people about the safe and lawful use of fireworks within the City.
Those who wish to purchase, possess and use fireworks must first obtain a free permit from the City of Vancouver’s website. The permit along with proof of age must be presented to an authorized retailer between October 25 and 31 at 6 p.m. Fireworks may be used on private property by the permit holder only on October 31.
Fines for firework-related offenses have increased to $1,000, and VFRS’ Fire Prevention Division will be out in force monitoring retailers’ storage, sales, and permit-enforcement during the week. Retailers selling without authorization, improperly storing, selling non-compliant items, or selling to those without a permit and proof of age will face fines, inventory seizure, and potential prosecution.
Fireworks should only be used by an adult permit holder on private property in an area free of combustibles and excess vegetation. Personal safety equipment should be worn, including gloves and protective eyewear, a bucket of water kept ready for soaking “dud” fireworks, and the specific directions on each incendiary followed including surface placement, orientation, and safe ignition steps.
As of November 1, the sale, possession, and use of consumer fireworks will not be permitted as the City transitions from regulated sales to a ban.