Almost 300 additional spaces for people leaving violent or unstable situations

MITZI Dean, Parliamentary Secretary for Gender Equity, on Wednesday said that as of today, the Province had secured nearly 300 additional spaces in communities throughout B.C. for people leaving violent or unstable situations, with more spaces to come. These are in addition to more than 100 transition houses and safe homes that the Province funds on an ongoing basis.

In a statement on the Province’s ongoing support for women and children experiencing violence during the COVID-19 pandemic, she noted: “Home should be a safe place for everyone, but for many, that is not the case. Women, children and non-binary people are often at a higher risk of domestic and targeted violence, and this danger has only increased during this stressful time. As this pandemic requires us to stay home and keep our distance from friends and extended family, people facing violence or abuse – many with children – need our help more than ever to find a safe place to stay.”

If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse, contact VictimLinkBC at 1 800 563-0808 or by email: (

They can connect you to these supports and are available to help 24/7 with service in multiple languages.

Dean said: “Domestic and sexual abuse is not a private matter to be kept behind closed doors. Violence should never be tolerated – not during this pandemic and not ever. It’s wrong, and we will be there for people who need our help and a safe place to go, day or night.”