B.C. Liberal Leader and Leader of the Official Opposition, Andrew Wilkinson, released the following statement on Monday for Vaisakhi:
“Today marks the beginning of Vaisakhi, the holiest day in the Sikh calendar, representing the birth of the Khalsa and a new year.
“Our province has proudly been home to the largest Vaisakhi celebration in North America but this year, due to COVID-19, celebrations all around the world have been cancelled.
“Instead, British Columbia’s Sikh community is providing important community supports and services in this time of crisis, continuing a long history of Sikh contributions to the social and cultural fabric of our province.
“Pandemic or not, Vaisakhi is still a special time where we celebrate new beginnings. It is my sincerest hope that this new year will mark a turning point for us all and usher in a time of health, happiness, and prosperity for all.
“On behalf of the entire BC Liberal Caucus, I want to wish everyone celebrating a happy Vaisakhi.
“Vaisakhi Diyan Lakh Lakh Vadaiyan!”