THE BC Liberals say that B.C. continues to see skyrocketing prices for food, housing, and fuel in 2022, despite the NDP government’s repeated promises to make life more affordable.
“This NDP government has twice campaigned on the promise of making life more affordable for British Columbians, and yet, after more than four years as government, the cost of living has increased by nearly every metric,” said Mike Bernier, BC Liberal Critic for Finance, on Wednesday. “Food is more expensive, housing prices continue to climb, and gas prices are predicted to reach record highs — how is this the improved affordability that people were promised? The NDP has not just failed to improve cost of living, they’ve sat idly by as the problem has worsened, and patted themselves on the back for it.”
The BC Liberals say that in 2021, B.C. experienced five straight months of elevated inflation over 3 per cent, with the rising costs of housing, gasoline, and groceries headlining the increases. Throughout B.C., property values have risen by astronomical amounts in the last year, with some municipalities noting average increases of more than 40 per cent. Meanwhile, experts predict that gas prices in Metro Vancouver could soon reach a record new normal of $1.85 per litre.
“The people of B.C. have endured two of the most challenging years in recent memory, and as a result, they are desperately looking to the NDP to finally deliver on their promises to make life easier,” said Bernier. “However, it has become increasingly clear that this government is incapable of keeping the promises they made, not once, but twice and British Columbians are paying the price. At the end of the day, B.C. just can’t afford the NDP.”