FOLLOWING provincial amendments to the Container Trucking Regulation on May 13, BC Container Trucking Commissioner Andy Smith is proceeding with four announcements that will commence oversight over all drayage licenses:
1) Release of the finalized provincial rates of pay
2) Release of audit guidelines
3) Amendments to the licenses
4) A limited call for specialized / dedicated drayage license applications
After months of research, consultation and analysis of the current container trucking marketplace, Smith is confident that these changes represent greater clarity and fairness for the drayage industry.
“Today’s announcements are as a result of extensive outreach and careful consideration, and will ultimately lead to greater stability for the sector,” says Smith. “I am looking for practical solutions to many of the issues the led to last year’s labour disruption, and I am confident that these announcements are a step in the right direction.”
The publication of rates will allow license holders to overcome previous ambiguity of how to pay their drivers, and a robust auditing process will ensure ongoing compliance.
The changes to the licenses are designed to ensure that truck tags do not sit idle. The commissioner supports business activity as the most important determinant of tag allocation, and will use utilization statistics via GPS data to monitor all license holders.
Finally, the commissioner is opening up a limited application process for specialty / dedicated drayage operators who were unsuccessful in the recent truck licensing process conducted by Port Metro Vancouver. This segment of the market is generally characterized by rate stability, and is essential to enhancing the efficiency of the export supply chain.
For more information about the specifics of the change, visit the BC Container Trucking Commissioner’s new website at