ON Monday, July 1, Canada Place is hosting Canada Day at Canada Place in partnership with the Government of Canada and Port of Vancouver. Due to the scale of the event (the largest Canada Day celebration outside our nation’s capital), parking restrictions and street closures will be in effect as follows:
Friday, June 28 (12 p.m.) to Tuesday, July 2 (8 a.m.)
- North side 1000 W Cordova St., from Burrard St. to Thurlow St (4 parking meters)
Sunday, June 30 (3 p.m.) to Tuesday, July 2 (2 a.m.)
- Both sides 200 Thurlow St., from W Cordova St. to Canada Place Way
- Both sides 800 – 1000 Canada Place Way, from Howe St. to Thurlow St.
- Both sides 200 Howe St., from W Cordova St. to Canada Place Way
- Both sides 800 W Cordova St., from Howe St. to crosswalk mid-block (three-minute Tour Bus Zone)
- Both sides 900 W Cordova St., from Burrard St. to crosswalk mid-block (temporary taxi zone)
- North side 1000 W Cordova St., from Burrard St. to Thurlow St.
Monday, July 1 (7 p.m.) to Tuesday, July 2 (2 a.m.)
- West side 300 Seymour from W Cordova St. to Hastings
- Both sides of 500 – 1000 W Cordova from Richards to Thurlow
Sunday, June 30 (5 p.m.) to Tuesday, July 2 (3 a.m.)
- 800 – 900 Canada Place Way (1/4 block west of Howe St. to Burrard St.)
- North side 800 – 900 W Cordova St., from Howe St. to Burrard St
- 1000 Canada Place Way (Burrard St. to Thurlow St.)
- 200 Thurlow St., from W Cordova St. to Canada Place Way
- 200 Howe St from W Cordova to Canada Place Way – Cruise Ship Traffic Only until 4:30 p.m.
Local access to hotels, parkades (999, 1038 & 1055 Canada Place and 200 Burrard St) and Canada Place cruise ship terminal will be maintained during the Canada Day at Canada Place events. It is expected access and egress could be restricted after approximately 8 p.m. July 1 due to crowds and safety issues.
There will be barricades and Traffic Authority officers located at Howe & Cordova, Burrard & Cordova and Thurlow & Cordova streets beginning at 5 p.m. on June 30.