THE Canadian Chamber of Commerce on Monday launched its election policy website, VoteProsperity, to highlight the needs of Canadian businesses to all parties in the upcoming federal election.
An open letter, published in National Newswatch, formally challenged all party leaders and caucuses to embrace all seven priorities and 45 recommendations outlined in VoteProsperity.
“Today, we published an open letter to all of Canada’s federal party leaders, challenging them to give our 200,000 business owners what they must have: a fighting chance to compete and grow. Canada’s businesses have every right to expect a level playing field with the countries they compete against. We call on all party leaders to build their business policy proposals around the Vote Prosperity checklist, which outlines what Canada’s job creators themselves have identified as mission critical,” said Perrin Beatty, President and CEO, Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
The VoteProsperity website focuses on a small number of big issues that are crippling the ability of Canadian businesses to compete, grow, and innovate. While the economy faces many headwinds that are out of our control, there is much we can, and should, do, according to the Canadian Chamber of Commerce.
Some of the solutions outlined by the Canadian Chamber include:
- A regulatory system that works for everyone, including business;
- A tax system that is fair, efficient and modern;
- Greater access to new markets around the world, and the breaking down of domestic trade barriers;
- Helping SMEs in a way that’s meaningful to them so that they can grow and succeed at home and abroad;
- Helping Canada seize the power of the digital age, while also investing in more traditional trade-enabling infrastructure;
- Helping grow a 21st century workforce with the skills, education and training required to prosper; and
- An affordable approach to filling the gaps in pharmacare without disrupting today’s employment provided plans.
“Without a thriving business sector, Canada’s economic growth suffers, our prosperity declines, and our governments can afford fewer roads, hospitals, and schools. When business succeeds, Canada succeeds. Our businesses needs the next government to be a forward-looking partner that helps them build a stronger and more innovative Canada for all,” said Beatty.
The platform was developed in partnership Canada’s provincial and territorial chambers of commerce. The entire network of 450 chambers of commerce will be working together throughout the election period to keep the nation’s political leaders focused on taking bold steps to protect and strengthen Canada’s competitive position.
“For all of our challenges, we Canadians remain among the most fortunate people in the world. All we need is the vision and determination to create the opportunity for ourselves and our families,” said Beatty.
The Canadian Chamber said it is strictly apolitical, and its policy analysis should never be taken as partisan or endorsement. It bases its analysis solely upon whether a policy aligns with the Canadian Chamber’s existing platform.
The VoteProsperity website will be updated on a regular basis until a new cabinet is sworn in.