THE Province announced on Tuesday that it is making changes to three laws so it can better help people get out of poverty.
Government is setting new 10-year targets to reduce overall poverty and child poverty, and introducing a new target to reduce seniors’ poverty.
Another change reduces barriers for people receiving income assistance or disability assistance, improving their access to supports and employment.
“We know people in B.C. are facing big challenges, so we are setting new, ambitious poverty-reduction targets, to better help people, including seniors, get through tough times,” said Sheila Malcolmson, Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction. “People say they feel better – and are better off – when they have a job and community connections, so we are also reducing barriers for those who can work, while continuing to support those who cannot.”
The social development and poverty reduction statutes amendment act (Bill 7) amends three acts. By updating these acts, the Province is continuing its work toward poverty reduction, reconciliation, inclusive economic recovery, and bringing in a more supportive and inclusive system.
First, B.C.’s 2018 Poverty Reduction Strategy Act (PRSA) is being amended to commit the Province to reduce overall poverty by 60%, child poverty by 75% and seniors’ poverty by 50% (from 2016 levels), over the next 10 years. Actions and investments that will help government reach these goals will be included in B.C.’s new Poverty Reduction Strategy, which will be released in spring 2024.
Second, Bill 7 also includes changes to the two laws that govern income and disability assistance: the Employment and Assistance Act, and Employment and Assistance for Persons with Disabilities Act, which have not been comprehensively updated since 2002. Some sections in these laws made life harder for people. The new provisions will change employment requirements for people on income assistance and disability assistance to better support them to find and keep a job. The changes will develop a new employment approach where people will be assessed after they start receiving assistance to determine what supports they need to work towards employment.
Through these changes, the Province is also bringing its legislation in alignment with its commitments under the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Act (Declaration Act). Section 4.15 of the Declaration Act requires the Province to “incorporate Indigenous experience and knowledge of poverty and well-being into ongoing poverty reduction efforts and the 2024 Poverty Reduction Strategy.”
These measures in Bill 7 incorporate feedback from more than 10,000 people – 70% of them with lived experience of poverty – gathered during B.C.’s public consultation in 2023. One of the key themes raised during this engagement was that accessing supports needs to be made easier so that everyone has the opportunity to build a good life for themselves and their families.
Julian Daly, chief executive officer, Our Place Society, said: “We welcome the move from a more punitive approach to a more supportive one for people who are already struggling enough in life. We are happy to see this government stepping up to help people at a time when they need it most.”
Caitlin Wright, legal advocate, Together Against Poverty Society (TAPS), said: “As a legal advocate who helps support people to access ministry services and programs, I welcome many of the changes being proposed. Eliminating punitive sanctions for misreporting information is significant, especially when it can mean the difference between affording food or paying a Hydro bill. Extending the time to appeal a ministry decision from seven to 20 business days will allow more clients to seek timely legal advice, and help to increase access to justice for some of the most marginalized people in our province.”
Quick Facts:
* B.C. currently has 230,000 people receiving income assistance, disability assistance and other supplemental forms of supports.
* Since 2017, the Province has increased income assistance and disability assistance rates five times, for a total increase of $450 each for a single person.
* The Province, with federal government funding, delivers a wide range of skills training and employment services that help more than 110,000 people every year, including those facing multiple and complex barriers to employment.