THE Vancouver Police Department’s Commercial Vehicle Unit, along with other local police, and the Provincial Commercial Vehicle Safety Enforcement (CVSE) team, partnered together this week to inspect commercial vehicles for safety violations. Ninety-four percent of the vehicles inspected had violations, and over $25,000 in fines were handed out.
These collaborative inspections are part of an ongoing campaign focused on improving road safety by identifying unsafe commercial vehicles, say police.
The vast majority of commercial vehicles were operated safely and are well maintained. Inspectors focused on trucks in an obvious state of disrepair, and pulled them over for further inspection. Mechanical deficiencies, load security, bald tires, brakes, windshields, suspension, and steering components, are a few of the areas targeted.
Three-Day Total
Targeted enforcement took place at five random locations in Vancouver, and inspected a wide range of commercial vehicles. “Unit” means anything with a license plate that was inspected.
* total number of units checked: 273
* units without violations present: 16 (6%)
* units with violations present: 123 (45% of all units had violations present)
* units that met out of service criteria: 134 (49% of all units checked that were out of service)
Total fines: $25,466