WHILE Surrey Mayor Linda Hepner and her councillors think it’s no big deal, Surrey-ites are wondering when an innocent person is going to get injured – or worse, still, killed. Hepner apparently thinks she is still in election campaign mode.
Police rushed to the same house at 2:30 a.m. on Sunday at 94th Avenue and 126th Street that they had attended to last week on Thursday after receiving calls of shots fired from anxious neighbours.
Police found bullet holes in an upstairs window and shell casings. There were people in the house but no one was injured. The residents were reportedly uncooperative with police.
On March 12, at about 3:30 a.m., Surrey RCMP responded to a report of shots fired at the same residence. By the time police arrived, the suspects had left and there were no reports of injuries related to this shooting. Police said last week that they did not feel this incident was related to the first four shootings that were related. Police recovered evidence related to shots fired from the area.