BC NDP Leader John Horgan on Monday joined over a million British Columbians who have chosen to vote early—either by requesting a mail-in ballot or by going to the advanced polls. He cast his ballot in his home riding of Langford-Juan de Fuca and underlined the important choice British Columbians have to make.
“We have accomplished a lot in the last three and a half years, but there’s much more we need to do—especially since COVID-19 will be with us for the foreseeable future,” said Horgan. “Here in BC, we’ve been doing the right thing by taking care of each other. Voting early is a quick and easy way to make sure we keep BC moving forward for everyone.”
Horgan said the choice for British Columbians is clear. His plan keeps people safe with record funding boost to health care, while the BC Liberal and Greens are not prioritizing health care. Horgan noted that both of the other parties’ platforms have less than half the new investment the BC NDP has committed to.
“These are the wrong choices during a pandemic. We can’t afford to go back to the days when government helped those who need it least at the expense of the things that matter most to all of us,” said Horgan. “The stakes are too high. The only way to stop [BC Liberal Leader] Andrew Wilkinson and elect a strong government that’s focused on helping people is to vote for your local BC NDP candidate.”
The BC NDP plan focuses on what’s most important to people right now—protecting seniors and health care by hiring 7,000 new long-term care workers, making life easier for families with a new $1,000 Recovery Benefit, and creating 18,000 jobs a year building hospitals and schools, he added.
“I’m always going to keep working for the people of this province. Not just for the wealthy and the well-connected, but for all of us,” said Horgan. “Together, we’re going to get through the pandemic and build a brighter future. That’s what my plan is all about and that’s my commitment to British Columbians.”