Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Tuesday fulfilled yet another poll promise as he announced a 50 per cent cut on power tariffs for families consuming upto 400 units of electricity. In more good news, he said that the tariff might go down further after audit of power firms.
He added, “The reforms are not temporary, but have been made for the current fiscal term.”
The decision to subsidise power tariff, which will involve a cash outgo of Rs 61 crores in the next three months, was announced by Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal after a meeting of the cabinet.
The subsidy, one of the major promises of AAP during the Assembly elections, will benefit 28 lakh consumers.
The cut in the electricity tariff came a day after Kejriwal announced supply of 20 kilolitres of water free of cost, another key election promise made by AAP.