Bollywood’s legendary actor Pran, who played both heroes and villains in several Hindi film classics over six decades, died of pneumonia at Mumbai’s Lilavati Hospital on Friday, his doctor said. He was 93.
Pran acted in more than 350 Hindi movies in a long, prolific career dating back to the 1940s. He played a vast range of roles — a hero, villain and character actor — but was best known for his villains.
Sanjeev Mehta, his doctor, said Pran Krishan Sikand, popularly known as Pran, was hospitalized more than two weeks ago in the Mumbai hospital and died on Friday.
He was presented the Dadasaheb Phalke Award, the Indian government’s highest honour for cinema, in May at his Mumbai home by Information and Broadcasting Minister Manish Tewari.
He also received several other prestigious awards, including Filmfare magazine’s “Lifetime Achievement Award” in 1997 and the ’Villain of the Millennium’ by Stardust magazine three years later.
He acted as a hero from 1940 to 1947 in hit films like “Khandaan” (family) and “Aurat”“ (Woman). He became best known for his roles as a villain from 1942 to 1991 in movies such as ”Bari Behen“ (Elder Sister), ”Azaad“ (A Free Man), ”Jis Desh Men Ganga Behti Hai“ (A Country Where the Ganges River Flows),” ”Half Ticket,“ ”Johnny Mera Naam“ (Johnny Is My Name) and Zanjeer ”Shackles.“
He is survived by his widow, two sons and a daughter.
His cremation will take place in Mumbai, India’s financial and entertainment capital, on Saturday, the Press Trust of India news agency said.