INVESTIGATORS from Ontario’s Peel Regional Police Street Crime Gang Unit have arrested a male and a female for numerous drug- and firearm-related offences.
During a complex investigation, the Peel Regional Police Street Crime Gang Unit along with assistance from Tactical and Rescue Unit and 12 Division officers executed a search warrant at a residence in the City of Mississauga.
As a result, the following firearms were seized:
* Ruger ATI .22 assault rifle
* Astra 8-100 9mm Handgun
* Glock 19 9mm Handgun
Also seized was a large quantity of cocaine and marijuana valued at over $97,000.
Mikael Singh, a 26 year old male from Mississauga, and Monifa Daley, a 19 year-old female from Mississauga, were arrested and charged with numerous firearm- and drug-related offences.
Both were held for bail hearings which took place on August 16 at the Ontario Court of Justice in Brampton.