THE BC Liberals said on Tuesday that British Columbia employers are expressing their frustration about the unclear parameters of the NDP’s sick pay program, which could leave businesses on the hook for up to 10 paid sick leave days per employee for 2022 — twice what was originally outlined.
“It’s concerning the NDP misled employers about the parameters of its sick pay program which could leave businesses on the hook for up to 10 days of paid sick leave per employee,” said Opposition Labour Critic Greg Kyllo. “We fully support paid sick leave, but this aspect has unfairly caught businesses by surprise.”
The Labour ministry originally earmarked $325 million for a government-funded sick pay program, but paid out just over $10.5 million in temporary sick leave reimbursements as of January 16, 2022.
“Not only could government correct this policy so that businesses are only responsible for five days of paid sick leave as was originally promised, but they could also pay for this program themselves and keep the costs off the backs of businesses while we remain in the pandemic,” added Kyllo. “We are asking [Labour] Minister [Harry] Bains and the NDP government to use the full $325 million allotment to continue government-funded sick pay and keep the Premier’s promise not to download the cost of sick pay onto employers until the burdens of the pandemic are over.”