THE NDP on Tuesday noted that BC Conservative Leader John Rustad’s handlers aggressively cut off a question from Victoria-Times Colonist reporter Les Leyne for asking a question they didn’t like. Video of that exchange is available here.
They pointed out: “It’s the latest in a pattern of Rustad and his candidates dodging basic questions from the media and voters.”
Here are just a few examples:
“During an affordability policy announcement in Surrey on Monday, four reporters asked Rustad multiple times about the video and his stance on the COVID-19 vaccination program. Rustad repeatedly dodged the questions.” (CBC – Sept 23, 2024)
“Conservative leader John Rustad was not made available.” (Global, Sept 26, 2024)
“Postmedia News asked the Tories this week to explain the discrepancy in the figures, but received no response.” (Vancouver Sun – Sept 26, 2024)
“The Conservative campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the letter.” (City News – Oct 2, 2024)
“Pressed by reporters at the “Rustad Rebate” news conference for more details on those views, he turned shy and dodged six questions about his anti-vax views.” (Times Colonist – Sept 24, 2024)
“The Conservative Party of BC did not respond to a request for comment on the matter.” (Castanet – Sept 24, 2024)
“CTV News reached out to Rustad and the B.C. Conservatives for clarification on his remarks, but did not receive a response.” (CTV – Sept 25, 2024)
“Rustad did not respond to a request from The Tyee to discuss his stances on abortion access and free contraception.” (The Tyee – Sept 26, 2024)
“Rustad did not take questions from the media at the rally.” (CKPG – Sept 26, 2024)
“The Conservative Party of BC did not respond to The Tyee’s interview request, nor did it provide answers to emailed questions.” (The Tyee – Sept 27, 2024)
“Rustad didn’t help matters this week by refusing to answer questions from reporters when a video surfaced of him disparaging the “so-called COVID-19 vaccine.” Only later did he explain that he supports vaccinations for the flu and measles.” (Vancouver Sun – Sept 27, 2024)
“It was either the legislature or an interview, I can’t remember which it was. But I remember him saying that specifically,” Rustad said, adding that his staff could help track down the source of the quote.”…“In the days following the interview with Rustad, the Conservative Party of B.C. didn’t respond to a series of emails seeking the source of the supposed quote.” (Vancouver Sun – Sept 27, 2024)
“Loewen declined a request for an interview for this story. She has also refused several past requests for interviews and hasn’t allowed interviews from journalists so far in her campaign.” (Info News – Sept 28, 2024)
“The Canadian Press requested an interview with Rustad related to his stance on B.C.’s declaration legislation, but did not receive follow up to arrange a call.” (Canadian Press – Sept 29, 2024)
“Neither Sheldon Clare nor BC Conservative Party responded to requests for comment from PressProgress about Clare’s postings on residential schools.” (Press Progress – Sept 29, 2024)
“Sturko, who is now running for the BC Conservatives in the riding of Surrey South, did not respond to a request from PressProgress on whether she still stands by this statement about Rustad.” (Press Progress – Sept 29, 2024)
“Tomorrow is National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. BC Conservative leader John Rustad is making an announcement at 9 am in Cultus Lake but he will not be taking questions from the media.” (Katie DeRosa – Sept 29, 2024)
“Rustad did not take further questions at a second event later that same day. CBC News has reached out to the B.C. Conservatives for additional comment.” (CBC – Sept 24, 2024)
“He did not respond to requests for an interview.” (Globe and Mail – Sept 30, 2024)
“So as I said, we normally do have both candidates this morning. We do not have the Conservative candidate in Chilliwack-Cultus Lake, Á’a:líya Warbus, because they pulled out about an hour or so ago, but we still want you to hear about what is going on in Chilliwack-Cultus Lake.” (CKNW, Simi Sara – Oct 2, 2024)
“Campaign spokesperson Raven Lacerte did not cite specifics in the letter, other than a feeling Rustad, who has been a longtime supporter of the campaign, had failed to uphold certain standards. The BC Conservatives have yet to respond.” (The Orca – Oct 2, 2024)
“The BC Conservative Party did not respond to a request for comment from Press Progress.” (Press Progress – Oct 2, 2024)
“Moose Hide Campaign co-founder Raven Lacerte says in a letter that elected leaders have a unique level of responsibility to uphold basic standards of respect, ‘including respect for Indigenous Peoples and those along the gender continuum,’ and that Rustad is ‘not upholding these standards.’ The Conservative campaign did not respond to a request for comment on the letter.” – (Richmond Sentinel – Oct 2, 2024)
“The long time real estate agent chose not to speak to Black Press Media for this profile.” (Goldstream Gazette – Oct 2, 2024)
“We’ve given an opportunity for John Rustad to come on the show the last couple weeks, and we’ll wait for a response.” (Mornings with Al Ferraby – Oct 7, 2024)
“The B.C. Conservative campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the speculation tax Friday.” (CTV News – Oct 4, 2024)
“A forum in West Kelowna, a forum in Vernon and a forum in Kelowna have been missed by Conservative candidates. They’ve also failed to respond to requests from Castanet for candidate interviews.” (Castanet – Oct 4, 2024)
“CKPG News reached out to the BC Conservative Party three times but received no response.” (CKPG – Oct 4, 2024)
“The Conservative Party of BC did not respond to a request from PressProgress to clarify Rustad’s understanding of “Nuremberg 2.0.” (Press Progress – Oct 6, 2024)
“Worth noting I reached out to Conservative_BC *several hours* ago but received no response.” (Press Progress – Oct 6, 2024)
“I was the only reporter who came in-person who was not allowed a question.” (Jen St. Denis – Oct 7, 2024)
“David Eby gave us a lot of time last week…I don’t know if you’ve been seeing this or not, is John Rustad sort of ducking reporters’ questions and ducking debates? I mean, we’ve been trying to get him on the show for over a week, for example.” (Al Ferraby – Oct 1, 2024)