VANCOUVER residents Harry Takhar and Dilpreet Takhar are enraged that police stereotyped them while they were looking for a masked man who burst into a Richmond pub with a shotgun.
Global BC reported on Thursday night that several people were arrested at a White Spot in Vancouver and the two men were among them.
Harry Takhar told Global: “I’m very upset. This is not normal. I come out for dinner. I’m actually a businessman. We sell drywall, installation, steel studs for a living. We don’t kill people. That’s not us.”
Dilpreet Takhar added: “They said there’s three homicides in the last week and you guys fit the description with hoodies. I told him it’s winter weather, it’s comfortable to wear a hoodie.”
He said: “I honestly thought it was racism coming to the forefront. We were telling them everyone fits the same description — Indo-Canadian, whoever you are.”
Both men were later released.