New Delhi (PTI): A special court this week directed the CBI to consider taking necessary action against Congress leader Jagdish Tytler for allegedly furnishing false details to the passport office for renewal of his travel document.
Special Judge Bharat Parashar said “though, an FIR should be registered, I am leaving it to the agency (CBI) to take any action as it may deem appropriate.”
The court also took the passport into custody and handed it over to the CBI.
The matter came into light after Tytler withdrew from the court his application seeking a No Objection Certificate (NOC) for the renewal of his passport this morning.
The court, upon enquiry, noted that he has already received the renewed passport and asked the CBI to probe how he had procured it without an NOC.
Later, the CBI informed the court that Tytler had falsely submitted before the passport office that no criminal case was pending against him.
Thereafter, the court issued summons against the Congress leader and directed him to appear before it later in the day.
Tytler followed the court orders and submitted before it that a clerical mistake was committed in the application to the passport office.
However, the court said, “When you received the passport, you should have realised that there was something wrong since the NOC was still pending before the court.
“If it was a clerical mistake, you should have approached the authorities and submitted the passport and informed about the mistake done earlier in the application.
“However, after getting the passport, you simply preferred to withdraw the application without showing the true and entire picture to the court.”
The court directed the agency to take appropriate action.
During the arguments, the investigating officer in the matter urged the court that action should be taken against Tytler as he had “knowingly furnished wrong information”.