Conscript Chaos!
V for Victory is not exactly assured in Queen and Country, a dynamic British film now making the rounds at the Vancouver International Film Festival. Whether you are pro or anti-war you will find this comedy drama set during World War 2 as both emotional and inspiring.
To go to war (and to be successful) basic training is a must. This foreign concept sees two rookie conscripts knock heads with the authorities at a secluded training base. Shy boy Bill gets raked over the coals when this fish out of water locks horns alongside a bunkmate with a by the books sergeant at arms. Callum Turner is terrific as a young lad up to his neck in trouble with fellow trainees, hardened superiors and the odd fetching lass tossed his way.
Acclaimed director John Boorman (Zardoz) pulls off a terrific story about schemers I. The military complete with brash officers and a take no prisoners attitude. Great chemistry amongst all the cast and picture perfect performances effectively make Queen and Country a truly engaging 115 minutes at the movies.
Show times:
Friday Oct. 3. 8:30 pm. International Village cinemas
Sunday Oct. 5. 10:30 am. International Village Cinemas
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By Robert Waldman