Ontario now says it will standardize police street checks across the province
THE Toronto Star on Friday revealed how a mainly white police force of Peel Region in Ontario has been treating brown and black people as CRIMINALS – stopping respectable lawyers and businessmen and other professionals at a whim and gathering all kind of personal information from them and then entering all of that into their database.
This is like a COMMUNIST, nay, a TALIBAN kind of situation!
What a national and international disgrace!
This RACIST practice is known as CARDING in Toronto and the new mayor there, John Tory, has been forced by public opinion to declare that he will put an end to this disgusting practice that makes non-white Canadians feel WORSE THAN DOGS. The Ontario Human Rights Commission is demanding that this HORRIBLE practice be ended.
Peel Regional Police takes care of the law and order situation in Ontario’s Brampton and Mississauga cities whose visible minorities formed 60 percent of the population back in 2011.
And South Asians form the most prominent part of that visible minority population.
Apparently the mainly white police force has also been making sure that no South Asian officer goes up the ranks.
The Star reported that Mississauga Mayor Bonnie Crombie and Brampton Mayor Linda Jeffrey, who sit on the Peel Police Services Board, successfully brought forward a motion on Friday that states in part: “Whereas the practice known as carding has been considered controversial for unfairly targeting ethnic minority communities . . . and whereas information generated from informal contact with members of the public that are not related with any ongoing or active criminal investigation is widely considered unreliable . . . whereas the practice of ‘carding’ is currently being challenged as to its Constitutionality . . . the Peel Police Services Board calls for a full review of street checks practices by Peel Regional Police.”
Reporter San Grewal reported that Peel Police Chief Jennifer Evans admitted that carding is known as a “street check” in her region and that the information gathered by her officers is entered directly into an electronic database from their vehicles.
Mayor Jeffrey told the Star she first learned of this practice while campaigning door-to-door in the last municipal election.
She told Grewal: “I heard it many times when I was campaigning. I met with a group of lawyers during the course of the campaign and I was horrified by the number of people around the table of twenty or thirty people who had been stopped. There was no criminal activity going on, they were just driving down the street and they were stopped. I heard it many times.”
She said that South Asian lawyers and businessmen in Brampton told her at a meeting that they felt they were being targeted because they happened to be in a nice car.”
Obviously there is a bunch of DUMB cops in that region who can’t handle intelligent gathering of intelligence!
Jeffrey told the Star: “I believe that we need to do intelligent policing. I don’t want my residents to be stopped for the random practice of information gathering, and it appears to me that it is random, right now.”
Ah, an intelligent and gutsy white mayor.
If the mayor had been a non-white person, she or he would have been accused of being biased and anti-police! They would have even been called RACIST – just as I have been accused of being racist for exposing white and non-white racism for the past two decades in Canada.
But will the cops have enough confidence to give up a dumb practice and try an intelligent way?
Don’t expect them to give in without a fight and SCARE TACTICS!
Mayor Crombie told the Star that she and Mayor Jeffrey decided to end this practice, noting, “We have to ensure that people’s rights and freedoms are protected.”
Are Peel Region and Toronto veritable POLICE STATES?
South Asians and blacks MUST unite to fight against this white racism.
THIS piece was posted online last weekend (June 12) and on Tuesday (June 16) the Government of Ontario announced that it “is moving to standardize police street checks across the province, and will establish rules to ensure these encounters are without bias, consistent, and carried out in a manner that promotes public confidence, the provincial government.”
Over the summer, the province will consult with community organizations, policing partners, civil liberty organizations, the public and others to develop a set of rules to govern police street checks. Ontario will seek input from partners on a number of topics, including:
* The circumstances when police may ask an individual for information
* The rights of those being asked for their information
* How to enhance accountability mechanisms and training requirements
* Data collection and retention
Following consultations, the province will introduce a regulation to standardize how street checks are conducted across Ontario. The province’s approach to developing a new set of rules will be based on respect for individual human and Charter rights, while recognizing the need for police to keep Ontario’s communities safe.
The new regulation would support the province’s police officers with clear and consistent guidelines to help them deliver fair and effective policing, while strengthening public accountability and safeguarding respect for human rights.
Ensuring that all citizen interactions with the police in Ontario are consistent and respectful is part of the government’s plan to create a fair and inclusive society, the press release stated.
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