Rustad says climate action is “an anti-human agenda” designed to reduce world population in video

THE NDP said on Tuesday that a video shows BC Conservative Leader John Rustad claiming that efforts to combat climate change are part of an “anti-human agenda” designed to “reduce the world population.”

Rustad then emphatically agrees with the host Laura-Lynn Thompson’s claims that Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, and the UN are behind “a concerted effort” to depopulate the Earth.

Thompson believes that the UN is attempting to enslave humanity through Agenda 2030. Rustad’s Campaign Director Angelo Isidouro managed Thompson’s campaign for the People’s Party of Canada, the NDP noted.

The video is available here.

The full episode is available here.

Niki Sharma, BC NDP candidate said: “Last week, we heard John Rustad claim that Dr. Henry used vaccines to control the population. Then he said officials made the pandemic seem worse than it was. After that, he was spreading a conspiracy about a global cabal of elites making kids eat bugs.

“Now he’s arguing that climate change is a global conspiracy to reduce the world population and emphatically agreeing that the United Nations, Bill Gates, and Anthony Fauci are behind it.

“It’s terrifying to think about what could happen if John Rustad was in charge of our healthcare system or what our kids learn in school. Instead of addressing priorities like housing and healthcare, John Rustad is promoting bizarre internet conspiracy theories. He’s a risk we can’t afford.”

SONIA Furstenau, Leader of the BC Green Party, said in a statement: “It’s now clear why John Rustad wants to rip up BC’s climate plan, cancel the carbon tax and the electric vehicle mandate – he thinks climate action is a global depopulation plot. These are the fantastical ramblings of a man who refuses to deal in reality. How can he be trusted to solve BC’s very serious problems if he can’t acknowledge basic scientific facts?”